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I really enjoyed watching the Happy documentary. I enjoyed getting to see and understand other peoples many forms of happiness and how it differs from person to person. I find myself thinking about happiness often, wanting myself to be as happy as possible. I like to think of myself as a happy and positive person, I always like to look for and see the best in everyone and everything. Within the documentary, the one person who really grasped my attention was the lady by the name of Melissa Moody. Melisa was a happy outgoing lady. One day, while leaning against her sisters truck, having a conversation with her sister who was in the drivers seat, the two had an argument. The sister began to drive away but Melissa's hand was caught in the handle so she proceeded to be drug and eventually ran over, dismantling her face against the rocks and pavement. After some time of feeling depressed and not herself, she decided to take control of her life. She moved away, and found herself. She realized it was her own decision to be happy and she ended up being happier than she has ever been. Knowing her face had been changed she knew she would never be who she used to be, but that allowed her personality to shine through and for her to live the life she wanted to live. Happy. 

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