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It's a monday morning, you roll over in your bed to the sound of your phone alarm going off that you set last night. You slowly get up, dreading every step, making your way to the bathroom to get ready for the day of classes ahead of you. You slowly spend the next thirty minutes getting ready for class and packing your book bag. You go to your classes, sitting quietly, listening, taking in all the information you can, and taking notes. It hasn't been a very exciting day, just boring classes, and nothing fun. Not a day you would consider a great day.


As you're walking from your last class to your room, you run into your friends. These are not only your friends on campus, they are your best friends. Your glum mood immediately turns around just by seeing them and hearing their hellos. They invite you to lunch and of course you agree.


As you sit at lunch this day, you laugh and joke and you realize this is real happiness. You look around and see all of their bright happy smiles and laughs. You know this is where you belong, who you should be with, and you love the happiness they bring you. These are the people you want to spend your time the ones that make life so fun and enjoyable.

Friendly Friends

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